T1/2 Manuale di Teoria per Medicina in lingua Inglese - Catalogo ammissioni

Manuale di Teoria per Medicina in lingua Inglese

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L'UNICO Manuale teorico interamente redatto in lingua inglese

Manuale di teoria - Medicina


Il volume contiene le principali nozioni teoriche necessarie per la preparazione al test di ammissione in Medicina in lingua inglese oltre ad informazioni generali sull'IMAT e le metodologie più corrette ad affrontare test a risposta multipla.

Si tratta dell'UNICO Manuale teorico interamente redatto in lingua inglese, utilissimo come ripasso, ma necessario per acquisire dimestichezza con la terminologia scientifica in lingua inglese.

Rivolto a tutti i candidati agli esami di ammissione ai test di accesso ai corsi di laurea di Medicina in lingua inglese.


Key Skills in Critical Thinking, Science and Maths

1 Aptitude and skills review

A1. Understanding argument 1: basic aspects
A2. Understanding argument 2: flaws; types of questions
A3. Understanding argument 3: example argument
A4. Critical thinking: Venn diagrams and logic statements
A5. Shape symmetry
Aptitude review questions

2 Maths review
M1. Mental arithmetic review 1: basic operations
M2. Mental arithmetic review 2: further operations
M3. Fractions 1: basic arithmetic
M4. Fractions 2: improper fractions; ratios
M5. Decimals 1: fraction/decimal conversions and basic arithmetic
M6. Decimals 2: rounding (decimal place, significant figure) and standard form
M7. Per cent (%)
M8. Time and clocks
M9. Areas, perimeters, volumes and surface area
M10. Algebra 1: substitution and re-arranging
M11. Algebra 2: simultaneous and quadratic equations
M12. Averages: mean, median, mode; weighted
M13. Pie and bar charts, line and scatter graphs, tables
M14. Cumulative frequency, box and whisker plots
M15. Geometry 1: angles and lines, triangles, other shapes
M16. Geometry 2: Pythagoras and trigonometric functions
M17. Circle theorems
M18. Inequalities
M19. Probability 1: basic concepts
M20. Probability 2: tree diagrams
M21. Permutations and combinations
Maths review questions

3 Physics review
P1. Measurements and prefixes
P2. Conventions for units, symbols and numbers
P3. SI base units for length, volume, mass
P4. Equations of motion
P5. Graphs of motion
P6. Projectile motion
P7. Force and motion (Newton)
P8. Force, work, power and energy
P9. Universal gravitation, satellites and escape velocity
P10. Force, momentum and impulse
P11. Force, stress and strain
P12. Moments, mechanical advantage, levers and pulleys
P13. Pressure, buoyancy and flow
P14. Gas laws
P15. Heat and energy
P16. Waves (light and sound)
P17. Electrostatics, capacitance and electricity
P18. Kirchhoff’s circuit laws, resistors and capacitors
P19. Electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
P20. Radioactive decay
Physics review questions

4 Chemistry review
C1. Atoms, electron configuration and valency
C2. Periodic table
C3. Bonding: electrovalent (ionic), covalent and metallic
C4. The mole and balancing chemical equations (reactions)
C5. Types of chemical reaction
C6. Concentration and pH; reaction rates
C7. Exothermic and endothermic reactions; Le Chatelier’s principle
C8. Solids, liquids, gases; changes of state; thermochemistry
C9. Electrochemistry, reactivity series and electrolysis
C10. Carbon (organic) chemistry; fractional distillation
Chemistry review questions

5 Biology review
B1. Digestive system
B2. Respiratory system
B3. Circulatory system
B4. Nervous system; eye
B5. Endocrine system; menstrual cycle hormones
B6. Urinary system
B7. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), genes and cell division
B8. Patterns of inheritance
Biology review questions

Tests and answers

6 Mock tests

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3

7 Answers and explanations
Answers to review questions
Answers to mock tests

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